Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine Punini

Sounds like a special valentine dinner dish

This morning was left over wind swell-storm bump with a little high tide mixed in. While catching waves is always a great time while Stand Up Paddle Surfing, I'd have to say that getting to the waves was a little more fun today.

There wasn't any one spot that seemed to be "going off" this morning. The wind was off-shore for most of the morning. It was a little better 20 minutes north via paddle of kaulapapa's. Kyle and I had a couple swim workouts racing the board to the rocks. We adopted a new stance, the "Hoku". Kyle nailed the "Hoku on the Nose". We'll have to get pictures of it eventually.

I met a couple other Stand Up Paddle Surfers. Tom, Mark good meeting you both. See you guys in the h20.

Paddle with Aloha.

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